Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Item(s) of the Day: Fire Salamander and Incense Plate

It's official, the game is messing with me. While looking for parchment, I got my third pet drop in 12 days: the cool looking Fire salamander.

I also got this neat Incense Plate from a quest in Tatakai Outpost.


  1. Just to let you know about my first ever Comic Contest!

    -Anyone can enter!
    -The comic has to be Wizard 101 related
    -Entries can be submitted between July 22-August 13
    -No run-offs of anyone elses comics!
    -The winner's ( 2-3 ) will get to make a comic with me. Except YOU get to make up the theme!
    - You must submit all comics to me via e-mail;
    -Have fun! And relax, there's no rush in this race!

    Good Luck

  2. Some wizards have all the luck! I bet you never fizzle either! :)

  3. Ha, I wish. Even with a 15% chance to fizzle, I still fizzle all the time.
