Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Item of the day: Grumpy Snowman

When this 'Item' dropped for me today, I had an epiphany: the Loot Drop System (LDS; "I think he did a little too much LDS.") is toying with me. It refuses to give me any equipment I can use and then turns around and tosses RARE pets at me left and right. Oh, Well.

Grumpy Snowman from Jacques the Scratcher in Knight's Court

BTW: I want this so much. If there's a housing item for this, I want it. And if there isn't, there needs to be, cause I still want it.

Krokosphinx statue in the Royal Museum.
(what you can't see is me drooling on the glass)

1 comment:

  1. Not a housing item exactly, but the larger Krok house comes with its own Krokosphinx. It's bigger than the museum one, maybe a little smaller than the real one. The fun part is finding the secret passage to get up to it.
