Thursday, June 4, 2009

Item of The Day: Krokohotep Plaque

Borrowing a great idea from The Friendly Necromancer.
I got the Krokohotep Plaque from the end of the Krokosphinx and it made me wonder about the Order of The Fang.

Check this out:
Seeing this begs the question: what kind of benevolent organization mounts the heads of their enemies on plaques and hands them out willy-nilly?
anyway, it's an interesting housing item nonetheless.


  1. Hey man. Whats up, thanks for folling my blog. I surely like yours and hopfully you will continue in it. Happy june.

    ~Isaiah Spelldust

  2. Hi! I would like to officially welcome you to the blogosphere! I'll be sure to put in a word for you in my blog.

    -Sean E. Weaver (

  3. Hey thanks, guys. I'm glad to join such a good group of bloggers.

  4. haha! Welcome! I like the look you have here. Keep it up. :-)

  5. Neat ice plaque, looks like I need to start farming Krokotopia.

    Sierra StarSong, Thaumaturge
    Olivia StarSong, Theurge

  6. I'm pretty sure the ice plaque is from a KrokoSphinx quest, just like the flame plaque was from a quest in the Pyramid of the Sun. There's probably a lightning plaque in the temple of storms. I do have a sun plaque (it's next to the ice plaque, outside the frame) that dropped somewhere.
